Keep Yourself Safe
DRUID allows you to assess the level of your cognitive and motor impairment – your improvement, stability, or decline – due to any cause, including marijuana, alcohol, opioids, other drugs, prescription medicines, fatigue, illness, chronic condition, or injury.​
Test for any impairment, regardless of cause.
DRUID does not test for the presence and amount of chemicals in the body. Instead, using neuroscience, it measures the actual effect of impairment - from any cause - on your brain and body, how well or poorly your brain and body are doing while impaired. It measures key neurophysiological indicators: reaction time, hand-eye coordination, decision-making, and balance.
VIDEO: How to use the Druid app
Check Yourself
Are you feeling fatigued?
Are you intoxicated?
How well are you recovering from illness, chronic condition or injury?
Are you impaired due to fatigue, illness, chronic medical condition or prescription medicines?
Do you treat your chronic pain with medical marijuana?
Would you like to better regulate your prescription dosage?
Are you getting ill but have no obvious symptoms yet?
Are you impaired due to injury, like concussion?