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Research on Cognitive and Motor Impairment Testing

Confirming DRUID's Accuracy, Sensitivity, and Utility

Peer-reviewed, Published, Scientific Studies

Dr. Ryan Vandrey, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine:

"... a novel mobile device application (the DRUID), was the most sensitive measure of impairment when compared to the other cognitive performance tasks administered (i.e., the DSST, DAT, and PASAT) as well as several common field sobriety tests (i.e., the WT, OLS and MRB)." 

Other Research Using DRUID

White Papers

"The Case for Impairment Testing"

"Assessing Fatigue-Related Impairment
Using the DRUID® Impairment App"

"The DRUID App as a Rapid Test for
Concussion Monitoring: A Case Study"

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